About US

Antonio J. Sánchez López stands as a paragon of dedication and expertise. Embarking on his journey in 1981, he has been a cornerstone in tax advisory since 1982. Specialising in areas such as inheritance, non-residents, and company incorporations, Antonio brings a depth of wisdom and a personal touch to every client interaction. Under his leadership, AS Consultores bridges the gap between tradition and modern-day financial solutions, echoing Antonio’s enduring commitment to excellence.


At the heart of Marbella, one name stands out in the realm of fiscal and accounting consultancy: AS Consultores. Our firm, backed by decades of experience and deep insights into the Spanish market, has carved a niche as a beacon of trust and professionalism for both locals and foreigners alike.

Leading the charge at AS Consultores is Antonio J Sánchez. With a career that began in 1981, Antonio has been a pivotal figure in tax advisory since 1982, bringing his passion and dedication to every project and client. Specialising in inheritance, non-residents, and company incorporations, his acumen and wisdom are unparalleled.

Under his leadership, AS Consultores has become more than a consultancy. We are guides in the intricate Spanish fiscal and legal landscape, lighting the path for those seeking to navigate these often murky waters. With a team that melds rich tradition with modern solutions, our client-centric approach ensures every interaction not only meets but exceeds expectations.

For many of our clients, especially those from far-off lands, Spain can present unique challenges. We recognise these challenges and, with a multilingual team and a methodology tailored to contemporary needs, serve as the bridge between their ambitions and realising their goals in Spain.

Welcome to AS Consultores, where tradition meets innovation and where every client is treated as our singular priority.

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